3 misconceptions about Islam

There are many misconceptions about Islam. Here are three misconceptions that
many Christians and non-Muslims have about Islam :

1-Islam is an Arabic religion or tradition

As well as Christianity is not a western religion, Europe was forced to convert to Christianity, Islam is not an Arabic religion. Islam originated in Arabia but its teachings include many forms of worship from monotheistic religions ever been practiced before. The majority of Muslim are in Indonesia. According to recent statistics ,almost 24 % of the world population claimed to be Muslim. Indonesia alone 12.7 % of the world Muslims. Pakistan 11%, India 10% . Saudi Arabia had only 1.6% of the world Muslims. From this Islam cannot be called an Arabic religion. Many people throughout the world have converted into Islam while keeping their tradition and culture. And at the beginning of Islam the prophet Muhammad was against many polytheistic traditional practices of the Arabs.

2-Islam is the Old Testament or the law of Moses

Islam is based on the Quran, the hadithes and the Sierra. The Quran contains stories from the Old Testament , the Torah but it also refers to the Gospel as Injeel and to the Psalms of David as Zabur. The structure of the book is very special because information occur everywhere as signs like they way it happens in a dream. The stories are mostly mentioned within the words of God inviting Mankind to worship only he alone and warning the disbelievers from a grievous punishment. The Quran also contains stories about the miracles of Jesus even though just a few. Some biblical stories are reported integrally in the Quran such as the Story of Moses in many different chapters: surah Taha(20). The story of Joseph can be read in surah Yusuf(12). The Story of Jonas lies in surah 10(Yunus) . The story of Abraham is in in chapter 14 among other occurrences. But they are also important stories from the new testament(Injeel) such as the story of Mary the mother of Jesus( chapter 19 surah Maryam)…. And in many other chapters the story of Jesus

3-Muhammad is for Muslims what Jesus is for Christian.

Jesus is mentioned in the Quran as the only prophet without biological father form among humans. Like Adam who was created from dust with the word of God, he was born from what Christians refer to as the holy spirit. In the 12th verse of surah Tahreem(66), God says :Mary,the daughter of Imran who guarded her chastity and to whom we blew our spirit. She believed in the words of her Lord and in the scripture and she was among the obedient ones. Thus Muhammad is referred to as the last messenger of God after whom they will be no other messenger.
The Christians are warned in the Quran about the fact that there is no trinity and that Jesus is just a messenger of God as well as Muhammad. Chapter 4:171
O people of the book,do not commit excesses in your religion and speak only the truth about Allah. The Messiah Isa the son of Marry was but the messenger of Allah, His word that He cast to Mary and a spirit from Him . So believe in God and his messengers and do not say Three. ….
The Quran also describes that Jesus was not crucified in the way many Christian legends have interpreted.
4:157-158: And because they said “Without doubt we have killed the Messiah Isa the son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah. They never killed him, nor did they crucify him. Indeed those who dispute about him are definitely in doubt. The only knowledge they posses is guesswork. With certainty, they never killed him. On the contrary Allah raised him towards himself.

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